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Contributor | Rosa Carrafa – Publisher and writer

At the age of fifty, Rosa has created her publishing press as a legacy to her family. At first, she thought that this is an idea that was farfetched as instead of slowing down in life, she is on the contrary more aligned with her vision and purpose. Rosa has many stories that are being published and for this reason, she has bought Rosa Carrafa Publishing to life. Rosa is a woman of substance and is an advocate for addressing how loss, death and the process of grief is part of our reality.

In doing so, she has been nominated in various awards for her recognition in her life devotion in bringing hope in the communities in the following:

  • 2017 and 2018: ‘Citizen of the Year’ with The City of Whittlesea Australia day awards.
  • 2018: Telstra Women Business Awards.
  • 2020: Bloom Awards.
  • 2020: My Business Awards.
  • 2020: Rosa being acknowledged for her insight in the national Ausmumprenur Business Awards as a finalist in two categories; The Big Idea and Women Will Change the World.
  • 2020: Rosa Carrafa Publishing and her video podcasts of Hope Talk with Rosa,  has gained her to be acknowledged in The Roar Success Awards as a finalist in the Wild Cat category.

Her publishing journey began in 2016 with her first book Aspects of Me which was the first sold out book with the publisher White Light Publishing. Since then, she has then worked her way into making this little book of simple affirmations into her signature mission of hope. Aspects of Me 2nd Edition is now available for 2020 preorders. 

Hope Talk with Rosa is a podcast that is also connected with a video platform where Rosa engages in open conversation with community members, related how hope has been evident in their lives through all the life challenges that have shaped one to be who they are today.

Rosa’s passion in life learnings is her open pathway, she is referred to as a ‘Hope Giver’, ‘A great student of life’ and a ‘Change Maker’. She is a member of the Everything Publishing Academy with the acclaimed Karen McDermott. With such mentorship, her vision will always be clear as she believes that ‘sharing your sacred space with those who support you when they help you up, will bring a wealth of riches to one’s soul.’

Rosa is constantly evolving and her desire to reach as many people as possible with her passion of storytelling that is eternal. With her life messages she moves forward towards a clear path up ahead, encouraging  communities to  ‘Never give up on Hope’ and ‘ People are waiting to hear your story, for your words, voice and presence will give hope to another, when they have felt alone.’

Rosa has developed the courage to share her many stories and is encouraging many others as a collective to do so. Her mentoring throughout this process is a valuable investment for anyone who is ready to shine and rise above their personal and social fears. This is one area that she knows all too well as how uncomfortable and vulnerable this process can become.

Click here to read more about Rosa’s story and the striving force this is today known as Rosa Carrafa Publishing

Click here to read more about opportunities with writing and sharing your story with upcoming submissions with Rosa Carrafa Publishing.  
