The low down Podcast

The Low Down Podcast
The Low Down Podcast

We are going to continue to recognize and acknowledge birth trauma awareness week. Even though it’s a designated one week out of the year, we feel that it’s something that can continually be talked about 365 days of the year. 

Today on the show, you are going to hear from a beautiful woman called Sandy Lowres. She’s a podcast host, and has her own magazine for women beyond 40. Sandy talks about all things, menopause, and women’s pelvic health. 

I love that Sandy is able to share her story with so much heart. She also then talks about the practical things that we could be doing to try to avoid having to tell these stories anymore.

Tune in to this episode, if you would like to find out more about how we work towards the future for our girls and to make this childbirth space better.

This episode is for you if you want to know more about:

  • maternal mental health 
  • traumatic birth 
  • navigating the legal system with birth trauma 
  • finding support and help to heal
  • living beyond birth trauma 
  • Obstetric shock  


  1. Guest – Women Beyond 40 – Sandy Lowres
  2. Continence Foundation of Australia
  3. Send a Direct Message to the team on Instagram @bravemumma
  4. Tips and Tricks eBook – here

This episode is coming to you thanks to our partners at the Continence Foundation. Call the National Continence Helpline on 1800 33 00 66 and speak to a Nurse Continence Specialist for free confidential advice, Monday to Friday 8am-8pm.


Host – Stephanie Thompson

Executive Producer & Editor – Dave Stokes

Podcast logo artist – Khrystyna lukashchuk

Brand Designer – Brodie-Rose

Original Soundtrack – Steven Robinson
