Map It Marketing with Rachel Klaver – Podcast with Sandy – Marketing to 40+ year old women

Map It marketing
Map It marketing

Episode Eighty Three

Marketers used to ignore anyone over forty. And many big agencies still do. And for this Generation Xer who already has a slight chip on her shoulder about being the generation nobody talks about… that feels like a big deal now I’m over forty!

There’s a bunch of outdated notions around people over forty. There’s even more about women over forty

It’s something that our guest today, Sandy Lowres is hitting straight on with her business and movement Women Beyond Forty.

Sandy is a passionate pro-aging advocate, and started the platform the magazine and the podcast all helping raise the profile of women in their forties (and beyond) who are here to share their wisdom, grow great businesses and do a pile of super cool stuff. 

If you’re a woman over forty, or if you have a target market directed at women over forty, then this episode will help you see your target market with fresh eyes, and perhaps help you see yourself with the same too!

In this episode we cover:
