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Tag: menopause

Perimenopause: buckle up girls!

“I console myself with the knowledge that turtles can breathe out of their butts, wisdom imparted from the trivia printed on the strip of an overnight maxi-pad.” “The disorienting midnight toilet visit that follows comes with fears that I may be too late, praying my nightie is drenched from sweat.”

Peri Menopause Power Podcast

Sandy was a guest on the Peri MenoPause Podcast. See it here. https://ownyourhealthco.com.au/peri-menopause-power-podcast-own-your-health-collective/ https://open.spotify.com/show/2WlDuXAYXfASVO6peEDKx6

Hearten up – must know facts about heart attacks and menopause

Our hearts and heart attack symptoms may be different to those of men, but our risk factors of heart disease are not.

#48 Shirley Billson | The Menopause Anxiety Coach

Our special guest is Shirley Billson. Shirley, based in the UK, is the Menopause Anxiety Coach, helping women to change to rules of menopause,...

Contributor | Sandy Davies

Sandy, the creator of HappyPause.  Bringing HappyPause Menopause Balm to you brings Sandy immense joy.  HappyPause is not about making menopause disappear, it is about easing...

Podcast 024 – Kayte Murphy & Kim Berry

Kayte Murphy and Kim Berry are the hosts of the fabulously popular podcast, The Hot Flush - The Premier Podcast for Peri-Menopausal People! Kayte...