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HomeContributorsKayte Murphy & Kim BerryPodcast 024 – Kayte Murphy & Kim Berry

Podcast 024 – Kayte Murphy & Kim Berry

Kayte Murphy and Kim Berry are the hosts of the fabulously popular podcast, The Hot Flush – The Premier Podcast for Peri-Menopausal People! Kayte has a background in publishing and professional blogging (she is Mrs Woog from popular blog Woogsworld) and is also an author. Kim is a journalist with a passion for baking as seen in her popular blog All Consuming.

4 years ago they joined forces to host a podcast dedicated to talking openly and honestly about all things peri-menopause and issues that affect women over the age of forty, including parenting, relationships and mental health issues. Listening to this duo, who have a brilliant friendship is joyful! It’s an absolute delight to have them here in the Confessional, generously sharing their story of The Hot Flush. My cheeks are still hurting from all the laughing!

You can follow The Hot Flush Podcast here:

Follow Woogsworld here:

Follow Kim Berry here:

The Good Girl Confessional Podcast is a production of Wb40 – Women Beyond Forty

Craving more? You can find us at www.wb40.com
Instagram: @womenbeyondforty
Instagram @thegoodgirlconfessional


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