26.8 C

Contributor | Lou Duggan founder Cakes 2 the rescue, Entrepreneur

A Brit, who at 21 fell in love with a yummy Queenslander while here on holiday in 1996.

She has been living on this beautiful island ever since.

Lou started out working in steel foundries as a manufacturing engineer and retrained as an interior designer while she was pregnant with her second child. It wasn’t until her youngest daughter headed off to school that Cake 2 The Rescue was born. From that day forward she became known to most as Baker Girl Lou.

As a stay-at-home mum of three girls under 5 with a hubby working in China two weeks of the month, life was pretty full-on.

By the time her youngest headed off to school, she felt completely lost and had no idea where my own dreams fitted into our family life. Launching C2TR helped her find herself again. It gave Lou something of her own, a place to belong, to grow, to flourish.

She honestly loves her job. She is one of those left and right brain people. Into the nerdy smart business stuff, but creative at heart. Building C2TR from scratch has allowed her to be both. On any given day, she can be whipping up a new design in the kitchen one minute and expanding her entrepreneurial vision the next.

When C2TR started she had no business experience at all, and it showed. “Man, we made so many classic mistakes in those early years” Lou says. After an ugly partnership split three years in, a rethink of the business model, and a much-needed brand update, she slowly transformed the “great idea” into a viable business model. By the seventh year, it was a real business and since has flourished into a successful brand she loves and is proud to call her own.
