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The Best WB40 content

Wb40 Extra is all about bringing you even more of the content you already love as well as building an incredible community of diverse women! We’ll be inviting in women to give tutorials on things that you care about. We’ll be hosting more lives, and giving you access to products, books, shows we recommend. We’ll be bringing you more female voices, more fun and asking you to come along on this very extra adventure. We’ll also still be including your beautifully curated and collectible magazine – WB40 – Women Beyond Forty, in a new quarterly format – in either Print or digital. The Choice is yours!
Join now.

Great Value (more than a 20% saving on the monthly plan)
Great savings by paying annually
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WB40 eXtra Digital

$AUD year
$AUD month
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Yearly pricing
Monthly pricing

What you'll get

  • Full content on wb40 website
  • 4 x Digital Magazines (Issuu)
  • Full Podcasts
  • All video content
  • Bonus articles (Website)
  • Newsletter
  • 10% off all event prices
  • Merch discounts
  • Exclusive lives
  • Paper magazines
  • Postage
Best Value (Nearly a 60% saving on the monthly plan)
Great savings by paying annually
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WB40 eXtra Print and
Digital subscription

$AUD year
$AUD month
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Yearly pricing
Monthly pricing

What you'll get

  • Full content on wb40 website
  • 4 x Digital magazines (Issuu)
  • Full Podcasts
  • All video content
  • Bonus articles (Website)
  • Newsletter
  • 15% off all event prices
  • 10% off Merch
  • Exclusive lives
  • 4 x Digital Magazines (Issuu)
  • Postage (Australia Only)
*** 4 x Print Magazines
*** Current Print Magazine
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