15.3 C

Contributor | Jane Caro

Jane Caro AM is a Walkley Award winning Australian columnist, author, novelist, broadcaster, documentary maker, feminist and social commentator. She spent 35 years as an award-winning copywriter and 7 years teaching Advertising Creative in the School of Communication Arts at Western Sydney University.

Caro is a well-known activist for many causes; particularly feminism, public education, the plight of older women, urgent action on climate change, our treatment of refugees, Indigenous Australians and anyone who is routinely excluded, marginalized or unjustly treated. She has expressed her activism for decades via her columns, frequent appearances in the media and her books, both fiction and non-fiction.

She has published twelve books, including three novels Just a Girl, Just a Queen and Just Flesh & Blood – a trilogy on Elizabeth Tudor, and a memoir Plain Speaking Jane. She created and edited Unbreakable featuring stories women writers had never told before, which was published just before the Harvey Weinstein revelations. Her latest book Accidental Feminists about the life story of women over 50 was launched in 2019. Her next book, her first novel for adults which is about coercive control, The Mother, will be published in March 2022.

Caro is married and has two daughters and two grandchildren. She and her husband split their time between Sydney and their cattle property in the Upper Hunter. Twenty years ago, conscious of the carbon emissions they would be creating, they planted 100 acres of hardwood eucalypts as a carbon sink. It is estimated their plantation absorbs 620 tonnes of carbon annually.

Previously she served on the boards of The Song Company, Bell Shakespeare and is currently on the board of The Public Education Foundation.
