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Contributor | Jules Brooke

Jules started her career working on the Herald Sun, Sunday Observer and then the Southern Cross group of local papers, firstly as a Sales Trainer and later as an Advertising Rep. This gave her great exposure to how newspapers work, and the relationship between advertising and editorial.

After a brief stint as the co-founder of a graphic design company in Melbourne, Jules then headed overseas where she got her teeth stuck into all sorts of marketing agencies. Based in London for 4 years, Jules worked as an Account Director for graphic design, sales promotion, direct marketing and advertising agencies before coming back to Australia to try her hand at trade Marketing and Promotions in Sydney.

Starting her own PR agency in 2003, Jules specialised in entertainment before gravitating to innovation, startups and mumpreneurs. Her ‘lightbulb moment’ came in 2008 when she decided she could teach business owners how to get PR for themselves and cut out the (expensive) middleman – the agencies – and so Handle Your Own PR was born. But it stayed a side hustle.

In 2017 Jules bit the bullet, sold her house and used the money to develop a PR SaaS (Software as a Service) platform and start teaching PR full time to business owners. That led to her establishing her online PR Bootcamp, and then the PR Accelerator Program where Jules and senior journalists help people refine their stories to make them media ready.
