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Tag: #womenover50

#124 Kirsty Jagger | Author of the extraordinary debut novel, Roseghetto

TW: This conversation touches on themes of abuse, proverty and violence. Today in the Confessional, host Sandy Lowres chats with the remarkable and down to...

#121 Marsha Gordon | Discovering the forgotten historical figure & hidden...

What if I told you that in 1929, a woman in NYC wrote a best seller, made a fortune during the great depression and...

#120 Jo Pybus | Writer and Podcaster | The legacy of...

TW: This episode contains conversations about alcohol abuse, alcoholism Today in the Confessional, I am honoured to be chatting with the gorgeous writer and fellow...

117 Kerri Sackville | The Secret Life of You – how...

Have you ever wished you had more downtime or time just to think and reflect? Or does the thought of spending time alone feel...

#114 Lee Christine | From Corporate trainer to successful best selling...

Today in The Good Girl Confessional, host Sandy Lowres is chatting to Lee Christine. A bestselling Australian author who is proving that, at 60,...

Podcast 108 Hacia Atherton | Disrupting the skilled trades sector

Hacia Atherton is the Founder of Empowered Women in Trades (EWIT), a charity established in 2020 to increase female representation in skilled trades in...

Artificial Intelligence is here to stay but does it really mix...

This week I introduced Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Menopause; I wasn’t happy with the result. AI art yielded the same negative stereotype I...

#101 FAITH AGUGU | The Silver Siren redefining ageing

Happy New Year and welcome back to The Good Girl Confessional Podcast! Our first episode for 2023 features a brilliant special guest. Faith Agugu...

Super Consumers – Why brands ignoring women over 50 are missing...

Ashton Applewhite, the celebrated NY based author and the self-described “pro-aging radical” has defined ageism as something that “occurs when a dominant group uses...

#48 Shirley Billson | The Menopause Anxiety Coach

Our special guest is Shirley Billson. Shirley, based in the UK, is the Menopause Anxiety Coach, helping women to change to rules of menopause,...