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Tag: #journalist

#98 Nicole Webb | China Blonde Musings | Author, Journalist and...

There is no doubt that moving to a new country can be exciting but also disruptive, jarring, and disorienting. Having a baby shortly after...

#97 Jenny Valentish | Addictions, Muay Thai and Memoirs

Today in the Confessional, host Sandy Lowres chats with inspiring journalist and author, Jenny Valentish about writing, addictive behaviours and pushing yourself to your...

#62 Dr. Susie O’Brien | Journalist | Author – The Secrets...

This week Sandy chats with Dr Susie O'Brien in the confessional, a delightful journalist and columnist with a PhD in Education. For the last...

Podcast #35 | Tracey Spicer AM | Journalist, Author, Broadcaster

Today one good girl chats to another in the Confessional as Sandy chats with special guest Tracey Spicer AM.Tracey is a multiple Walkley Award...