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Tag: #carlyfindlay

Skate – Mates

I kept seeing videos of women rollerskating. Black women; fat women; queer women; women wearing hijabs, a woman using a mobility aid. Skating seemed to be for everyone!

Gayle Kennedy: On writing and Growing up Disabled in Australia

Balmain, a suburb of Sydney, is  a long way from the country town of Ivanhoe, NSW, where Gayle Kennedy was born, and the country...

COVID and the Arts

Artists are often called on to provide support for fundraisers and to build community spirit. But in 2020, the impacts of COVID-19 put the...

Podcast 013 – Caroline Candusso – LA MAMÁ & Creative Director...

Caroline Candusso is the Creative Director of studio Papel (Paper), Along with her son and business Partner, Agustin, who is 10 years old, create...

Podcast 004 – Carly Findlay – Author, Activist & Gorman lover

The lovely Carly Findlay discusses her memoir, Say Hello, and chats about sewing, colour, music and gives us a confession or two! Carly is...