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HomeContributorsKimberly ColmanPodcast 009 (Rebroadcast) - Kimberly Holiday-Coleman - Cancer Survivor to Thriver

Podcast 009 (Rebroadcast) – Kimberly Holiday-Coleman – Cancer Survivor to Thriver

Kimberly Holiday-Coleman is a sister queen who hails from Houston, Texas but is living her amazing life in Lexington, Kentucky with her loving family. She was a model, a wife and a mum and in 2015 she was diagnosed with Stage 2 Rectal Cancer. She underwent treatment for a year, but in the course of the treatment she almost lost her life due to a bowel perforation. She had life saving surgery which also involved a colostomy bag. She has kept her stoma, affectionally called “Toodles”. Surviving childhood trauma, and then cancer, Kimberly made a decision to grab life by the horns and live it loud! She continues to be a model and has been the featured model in Melbourne Fashion Week (Australia) as well as being a model is two separate book projects on body image. She is a best selling international author, a motivational speaker and has won two awards for her advocacy, breaking down stigmas around stoma/colostomy and cancer awareness. Kimberly has also taken up burlesque and is performing across the USA as well as internationally. Kimberly is beautiful inside and out and I’m so thrilled she joined us in the confessional.

You can follow Kimberly on instagram @cancerwarriorcolostomyqueen or www.kimberlyhcoleman.com

Book Sales – Underneath We Are – www.underneathiam.com
For information of Skin Deep: The Skin I’m In Exhibition by Ferrell Phelps – Http://ferrellphotography4.wxsite.com/ferrelphelps
(Australia) – For information/support for colostomy/stoma: www.australianstoma.com.au
(USA) – https://www.ostomy.org
(UK) – www.colostomyuk.org

Follow us on instagram: @thegoodgirlconfessional

The Good Girl Confessional Podcast is a production of Wb40 – Women Beyond Forty

Craving more? You can find us at www.wb40.com
Instagram @womenbeyondforty


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