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HomeContributorsKristy SumnerPodcast #31 - Kristy Sumner | Paranormal Investigator | Soul Sisters Paranormal

Podcast #31 – Kristy Sumner | Paranormal Investigator | Soul Sisters Paranormal

Do you believe in ghosts? Are you fascinated by stories of the unexplained? Then this might be the podcast for you! Kristy Sumner is a Paranormal Investigator and the co-founder of Soul Sisters Paranormal, an all female Paranormal investigation team based in the USA, who have investigated some of the most haunted sites across America. 

In 2020, the team changed somewhat as twin sisters Jenny and Kristy became the primary investigators for the team. 

Both Jenny and Kristy have always had a fascination with the paranormal, and small impromptu investigations occurred before the formal organization of the team. While based mostly in central Florida, the sisters have traveled across the USA in order to investigate interesting locations.  Kristy who holds an advanced PHD approaches the investigations from a research perspective. 
Paranormal investigations and education are just parts of the services Soul Sisters provide. They are passionate about treating each investigation location with the respect and the reverence that it deserves for its place in history.  

You can follow Kristy and the Soul Sisters Paranormal team at https://www.soulsistersparanormal.com/

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