Sandra Reynolds |Lemony Lamb Shoulder with Mint Labne and Broad Beans

Sandra Reynolds
Sandra Reynolds

I have a list of things I want to do when lockdown is over. No doubt you do too. Now in the midst of Lockdown 6.0 here in Melbourne, my to-do list involves activities and outings and the people I want to share it with. Opening night of Bangarra’s latest work with my friend Lisa. A catch up with my friends Mark and Deb to celebrate his 60th . Sundowner drinks with my daughter on Terrigal beach. Long overdue catchups with nearest and dearest, the more the merrier, the sooner the better.

In the meantime, I content myself with regular catchups with my bubble buddy Lisa. We both live on our own and our fortnightly get togethers, which are the only contact with another human we have for now, are a balm for each of us and a welcome break from the travails of lockdown life. I love

cooking for these occasions and put as much effort into it as I would a party for a larger number of people.

This dish uses a lamb shoulder, weighing about 1.5kg with the bone in, and enough for 2-3 people. The quantities are all for 2 greedy people, meaning you and a bubble buddy can make the very most of seasonal spring fare. If you – joy of joys – have a larger number to cook for, simply double the amount. After all, better days are coming.

Lemony Lamb
Sandra Reynolds
Sandra Reynolds

Sandra Reynolds is an award winning blogger, writer cookbook author. Surviving hardship, she has created, written and shared over 1300 nutritious, low-cost and family-friendly recipes for her blog The $120 Food Challenge and encouraged thousands of people on low incomes to do more in the kitchen with less. Her first cookbook, The $120 Food Challenge is published by Penguin Viking.