Justine Martin’s successful corporate life was turned upside down in 2011 when she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Since then, she has battled three cancers and overcome a long list of serious medical conditions. Rather than allowing her hardship to overcome her, she has used it as a platform to inspire and make a difference in the lives of others.

Justine is a resilience consultant and speaker, plus an advocate for medical care.

She uses her own experiences of living with a disability to encourage others to take steps towards a positive future of their own by finding hope, overcoming adversity, and building resilience. She speaks from the heart, connecting with many audiences through her varied background in corporate, sales, art, volunteer work, and experiencing illness. She pursues any opportunity to inspire and empower members of the public, business
owners, corporate teams, schools, and charitable and educational organisations. She has made many media appearances in television, radio, and print media over the years, and ran for parliament in 2010-2013.

A multi-award-winning artist, Justine runs wellness and art therapy classes in her studio in Marshall, Geelong. Her own artwork is available to purchase at JUZT Art Gallery located at Café Zoo in Drysdale.

To reach as many people as possible with her powerful message of hope, Justine has developed an online course for people struggling to overcome life’s adversities: “Resilience Mindset: How you can gain resilience and hope in 8 weeks”.

