24.8 C

Work with Us

Meet our team.

Sandy Lowres

Founder | Creative Director | Magazine Design and Layout |Podcast Host

Sandy is an Entrepreneur, Founder of WB40 - Women Beyond Forty Magazine and host of The Good Girl Confessional Podcast. With a background in writing, editing and communication, she is passionate about creating a platform that shares the stories of women 40 and beyond, and building an online community for like minded women.

Sandra Reynolds

Food Editor

Sandra Reynolds is an award winning blogger, writer and cookbook author. Surviving hardship, she has created, written and shared over 1300 nutritious, low-cost and family-friendly recipes for her blog The $120 Food Challenge and encouraged thousands of people on low incomes to do more in the kitchen with less.

Nikki Hind

Fashion Editor

Nikki Hind is a social entrepreneur and Australia’s first legally blind fashion designer, with a background in PR, Communications and Event Management. Nikki is the founder of fashion label Blind Grit, and is an Inclusion and Diversity Media Adviser, with a passion for inclusion in fashion.

Amalia Chilianis

Careers and Employment Editor

Amalia writes on careers and recognising your capability. She is a Capability Expert with internationally recognised qualifications in Positive Psychology and Positive Coaching. She is the author of Work-a-holistic - A practical guide to changing your career.

Debbie Larson

Social Media

Debbie is the new bubbly force behind WB40’s Social Media! As a self confessed content-junkie, Debbie, who is legally blind, brings creative passion & professionalism to this role! Her enthusiasm, coupled with her extensive skill set makes her perfect for our small but passionate team!

Michael Smedley

Web Designer & Podcast Editor

Michael is our web designer, Podcast Editor, feminist ally and is a lover of all things tech, and a self confessed podcast geek. He runs a software company and is a muso in his spare time.

Paris Lowres

Junior Editor & Researcher

Paris joined the team as our intern after graduating with a degree in Literary studies and Writing. Helping to edit work, she’s also a great researcher! Paris is a self proclaimed book-nerd and would love to work in publishing, sorting through the “slush pile” to discover great writers.

Our Mission

WB40 - Woman Beyond Forty is an online publication for women who want to support other women, and help each other to rise. We are intent on spreading a message of sisterhood, encouraging self love and self care. Our articles range from topics such as feminism, sex, dating and relationships, books, travel, beauty, food and indulgence. Anything that appeals to us as women! We have an amazing group of contributors and writers, both for the magazine and on our popular Podcast. We are about inclusion and diversity, and our aim is to always be a strong community of women, allowing diverse voices to be heard, and interesting stories and opinions to be shared in a safe and friendly environment.

How We Work

What our readers tell us consistently is that they want positivity, and they want to be part of a community that builds women up. Sure, they might want to make changes in their lives, but those changes are ones they want to make for themselves – not to please everyone else. We are passionate about working with partners, brands and businesses that have the same ethos.We want to build strong, solid and respectful brand partnerships, where the relationship is positive and mutually beneficial. We are in this for the long haul not instant gratification. We are determined to create a movement of women who live the life they want to live: a life of joy, indulgence and kicking serious goals. And we really want to offer these women products and services to help them indulge. We are experienced industry professionals and we get to know the brands we work with and come up with targeted and different campaigns that work.