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Podcast #63 Shannah Kennedy | Author, Life Coach

Today in the Confessional, Sandy chats with Shannah Kennedy who is a Life Coach and the best selling author of 7 books that have been changing the way people live their lives, including the extremely popular The Life Plan and her latest book, Plan B. 

Shannah, a Master Life Strategist and Coach, Wellbeing Specialist and keynote speaker, helps people to navigate what really drives us and what ultimately makes us happy.

Her latest book, Plan B, focuses on how we cope with change – something so timely as we navigate Covid-19. 

“Whether you have faced a redundancy, dealt with a break-up, been in an accident, lost a loved one, had a health scare, or been impacted by an economic downturn, your ability to navigate through the change process and create an alternative plan will be the key to your future happiness.”

Shannah’s The Life Plan was a best seller, and in Plan B, she has created a simple yet powerful 4 part guide to give you the confidence to accept, heal, grow and adapt when facing sudden change. Shannah’s guide helps you to Respond, Recover, Reset and Radiate!

Shannah has recently launched two Vision Board kits – Career & Confidence and Health & Happiness – which are available in K-mart stores, or via the link below. Shannah understands that when we can visualise where we want to be, or what we want, we can move towards change. Vision boards can be a powerful tool.

With her warm and engaging approach to life, Shannah also runs 4-week Refresh and Reset 2022 courses – details are below!

You can follow Shannah here:



For Books and Vision Boards:

Refresh and Reset Course 2022 :https://shannahkennedy.com/books/

The Good Girl Confessional is an independent podcast proudly brought to you by Wb40 – Women Beyond Forty Magazine. 

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