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HomeContributorsGill Holden#59 Gill Holden | Director and Founder Clover Lane Consulting

#59 Gill Holden | Director and Founder Clover Lane Consulting

Today in The Confessional Sandy chats with Gillian Holden, Director and Founder of Clover Lane consulting. Gill is an industry professional, with a clear and exciting vision for disrupting traditional recruitment methods and paving the way for modern recruitment practices. Gill is a visionary when it comes to people, purpose, passion and how we should be engaging the employee within our organisations, thinking outside the box to connect the right people beyond CV’s. Gill shines a light on our hidden talents with a unique and subtle approach, to unlocking our purpose and then, guiding the path, as we learn more about our differentiators and how we leverage the best possible outcome in employment. With a passion for recruiting the right team for her clients, for coaching individuals and groups through a thought-provoking and insightful methodology, Gill is changing how we see and do talent acquisition. Gill is also a champion for other women. Within the Clover Lane ethos of ‘give and give,’ Gill offers pro bono career coaching to those who may have fallen on hard times. Perhaps lost their way and might be struggling with self-worth or ‘purpose haze’. Upon every successful placement through Clover Lane Consulting, Gill donates funds to Groomed to Go Inc, so that candidates can receive their professional wardrobe in preparation for interviews, along with career path coaching, through Take a Chance on Me.  You can follow Gill and Clover Lane Consulting at: https://www.cloverlaneconsulting.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/recruitcoachconsult-cloverlane/ https://www.facebook.com/coachrecruitconsult You can follow and support Groomed to Go here: https://web.groomedtogo.org/ – – – The Good Girl Confessional Podcast is proudly brought to you by Wb40 – Women Beyond Forty Magazine. – Join the Revolution here:


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