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The Job Market – Are you feeling lucky?

With rising unemployment, underemployment and a recession, although potentially a short-lived one, a strong and consistent sentiment for many is “I’m lucky to have a job.” And possibly the view from those who are unfortunately out of work, this sentiment in their opinion is true. Expressing gratitude for employment and the job you have has…

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Amalia Chilianis

Amalia Chilianis is a coach with over 25 years of corporate experience. Shortly due to publish her first book on helping people secure meaningful work in a new future. She is a courageous leader and an encourager of others who is determined that the next 20 years of work and life will be different to the last.

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Amalia Chilianis
Amalia Chilianishttps://amaliachilianis.com/
Amalia Chilianis is a coach with over 25 years of corporate experience. Shortly due to publish her first book on helping people secure meaningful work in a new future. She is a courageous leader and an encourager of others who is determined that the next 20 years of work and life will be different to the last.
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