Podcast #37 | Ailsa Wild | Author · Speaker · Facilitator


Today in the Confessional, Sandy is joined by Ailsa Wild! Ailsa is an author, performer and community artist with a history of deep collaboration who writes for children, young adults and Adults.

Ailsa’s most recent book, ‘The Care Factor: a story of nursing and connection in the time of social distancing’, is a snapshot biography of her dear friend Simone Sheridan, who worked as a nurse during the 2020 coronavirus waves in Melbourne.

Ailsa has written two junior fiction series: ‘Squishy Taylor’ and ‘The Naughtiest Pixie’ – both full of cheekiness and adventure. She is the lead writer of Small Friends Books where she works with microbiologists, virologists and other scientists to translate complex science into compelling illustrated narrative picture-books.

Ailsa’s books have been published in seven different languages. She has spoken about storytelling to audiences of all ages around Australia.

It was a delight to chat with Ailsa.

You can follow her here:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ailsawild

The Good Girl Confessional Podcast is proudly brought to you by Wb40 – Women Beyond Forty Magazine.

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