17.4 C

Mel and Trish Don't Give a Fifty


We laugh a lot (and chat a lot) together – and this podcast is an extension of the dynamic of our own friendship. We’re not trying to be highbrow, super-profesh podcasters – we want it to feel like you’re sitting around with your favourite cuppa or glass, chatting with your girlfriends. We want to fill your cup, give you a warm hug so you know you’ve got this. We don’t skirt around the tough topics – and we never will. But we will always bring an element of lightheartedness to it – because you’ve gotta laugh, right? We see ourselves as part of the growing movement of change in how midlife women are perceived – a small cog in a big wheel, if you like. And we aim to be role models for younger women to look ahead and see women living vibrant lives, not allowing age to be a barrier to thrive.

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