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Podcast #127 Dr Hilary Caldwell – Sex Worker, Sexologist & author...

Dr. Hilary Caldwell’s groundbreaking book SLUTDOM is a fearless call for women to reclaim their sexual power and challenge the stigmas that still persist. In this thought-provoking episode of The Good Girl Confessional, Hilary joins Sandy Lowres to discuss pleasure, empowerment, and the ongoing fight against slut shaming. Drawing from her own experiences as a sex worker and academic, Hilary offers hard-won wisdom on how women can redefine their sexual identities on their own terms

Emotional Labour – why are women still carrying the load?

“My husband is a good man, and a good feminist ally. I could tell, as I walked him through it, that he was trying to grasp what I was getting at. But he didn’t. He said he’d try to do more cleaning around the house to help me out. He restated that all I ever needed to do was ask him for help, but therein lies the problem. I don’t want to micromanage housework. I want a partner with equal initiative.” – Gemma Hartley

Under the male gaze : Why we still need Feminism

I would like to live in a world where my daughter who is on the cusp of Millennial and Gen Z, wouldn’t have to suffer the misogyny my mother did, or as I have. I would like to and yet, sadly, I still can’t which is frustrating and like so many women, it makes me bloody angry.

Emotional Labour – why are women still carrying the load?

Two years after an essay emerged in Harper's Bizarre about the Emotional Labour women carry, has anything really changed? Why are women still carrying the emotional and physical lion's share?